Jason Cobb purchased a used vintage bed at an auction, in 1998- A purchase he later regretted. Three nights later, Jason told his parents that he felt as though someone has planted their elbows on his pillow and was watching him, breathing cold air down his back. Later, he began noticing that the picture of his deceased grandmother was flipped down, after he righted it, it was flipped back down again. Trying to make sense of the irritation, people began jokingly calling out 'Do we have a Casper in here? Tell me your name and how old you are?'
Before leaving the room he left some paper and crayons on the bed, only to come back fifteen minutes later to find in childlike block letters 'Danny, 7"
The spirit was willing to communicate, and through questioning, 'Danny' indicated that his mother had died in the bed, and that he wanted to stay with it. Danny, not wanting anyone to sleep in the bed began to get irritated, but the family didn't get the memo. When a Terra cotta head that had been hanging on the wall came flying through the room, just missing Jason before it hit the closet door, the famiily was left unable to understand what they were dealing with.
The family didn't know what to believe about who was leaving the conspicuous notes, moving the furniture, opening drawers, setting the kitchen table, and rearranging posters to spell out a person's name.
Knowone new what to believe, if it was the bed, or the electromagnetic energy that the wall was creating; or if they were all just outside of someone elses foolish joke. Either way, their story is known now a a famous poltergeist case; and is easily accessible for others to read about, and post their own opinions. Weather it is true or not; or just a joke, was never completely solved.
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