Poltergeist is the original film in a trilogy of American Horror Films, release on June 4, 1982. The story consists of a family of 5, who live in California in a home known as Cuesta Verde.
Their home is invaded by ghosts communicating through the television, whom are being controlled by a demon known as 'The Beast'. Paranormal events being to occur in the family's home the following days, such as glasses and utensils that mysteriously break or bend, the furniture that moves on its own accord. Though the happenings seem small at first, they soon start to intensify until the Poltergeist's or Ghosts kidnap the youngest daughter- Carol Anne, and believe that she is the key that will lead them into the 'Light'.
Watching the film, I didn't find it believable. I found it humorous. Taking into account that it was made quite a few years ago, even so, it was dramatic, unnatural and the story line I found awful. My opinion is only one, but while watching the movie I was not convinced it was actually happening, and I definitely was not convinced of the reality of Poltergeist's. Could movies like this really be a contributing factor for the reason most people don't believe?
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